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Hot & Cold

By Paul Ingram, Managing Director at Carpigiani UK

Perennially popular, hot chocolate is one of those drinks that should undoubtedly be on a menu year-round. As an afternoon or after dinner treat to satisfy the craving for something sweet or to warm up on a cold day (and yes, that includes our Great British Summer), a hot chocolate should be a permanent menu staple. Operators need to serve top quality hot chocolate in order to command a premium selling price and keep customers coming back time and time again. Featuring a special bain marie heating system which prevents the chocolate from burning and ensures an even, natural cooking cycle to keep the taste, density and smell of the chocolate unchanged, the Chocolady heats-up in just 15 minutes making it perfect for operators. The machine’s circulating paddle stirs and tempers the chocolate mix into a thick and rich hot chocolate drink – a process that can be seen through the transparent bowl; adding to the visual appeal that’s more likely to entice customers and increase sales. Available in 10 litre and 5 litres models, the machine is compact and easy to maintain and clean. With its modern design, it can be left on the counter – great for those with limited space. Even though hot chocolate has been around for a long time, it continues to evolve and with the recent popularity of plant-based milks, the traditional beverage has been reinvigorated. Coconut milk in a hot chocolate is a taste revelation and almond milk is a further option as both of these non-diary milks bring a unique taste to the usual hot chocolate recipe.

Fresh, simple and clean ingredients continue to gain traction within the market. Consumers are looking for options that are healthier and with vegan and vegetarian options proving particularly popular, an operator should consider creating recipes that play to these trends. Non-diary alternatives in particular are currently a hit in the marketplace. Coconut and almond milks are gaining traction and make delicious dairy free ice creams and shakes as well as adding a unique flavour to the shake. Pair coconut milk soft serve with chocolate, or almond milk with banana for a delicious, non diary take on a traditional shake. Quality, consistency and flavour profile are key to offering a mouth-watering selection of freshly-made ice creams and shakes and as the global leader in the manufacture of ice cream equipment, Carpigiani has a range of models to ensure the perfect machine for any dining venue. The Multiple Choice is an award-winning floor standing combined soft serve ice cream and thick shake machine. Offering four flavours of soft serve ice cream and four flavours of milkshakes the Multiple Choice is perfect for a busy dining environment. One side of the machine dispenses soft serve ice cream on a cone, in a cup or as a dessert. Whilst the other side offers four flavours of milk shake. This slimline machine is perfect for operators with limited space and it is capable of producing up to 400 cones of soft ice cream or 250 milk shakes per hour, its flexibility making it the ideal choice for busy dining outlets.

For more information on the Chocolady, Multiple Choice or any other Carpigiani products, please visit or call 01432 346 018.

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