Lt Can be V Easy!
Choosing a plant-based diet isn’t a new notion and it’s no longer a craze – many consumers have made it a lifestyle choice.

Plant based isn’t just about not eating animals, it’s about health and about the environment too. With so much choice, veganism has become even more accessible and appealing and with consumers getting more adventurous with their tastes, it’s important that operators create an appetising plant-based menu which sets them apart from the competition. Working with a reputable, supplier you can trust like Middleton Foods not only offers a variety of easy-to-use options, but also ensures products are suitable for vegans and vegetarians. At Middleton Foods, we support chefs by manufacturing an innovative range of products which give operators peace of mind that the ingredients they are using as part of their menu are suitable for customers following a vegan diet.
Middleton Foods have a host of products which are suitable for vegans, including our new Plant Based Mix – a versatile product carefully curated to allow caterers to create their own meat-free menu items; from sausage rolls and burgers to meatballs and falafel! Simply add water and use the mixture as if it were the meat. Once formed into the desired shape, items just need to be cooked and served. With many consumers choosing to enjoy a plant-based diet as a lifestyle choice, vegan menus have wide appeal, the new Plant Based Mix can be used by caterers looking to offer premium quality plant-based menu items. Using a readymade blend of uniquely balanced ingredients, our new Mix ensures the quality and consistency operators can rely on to deliver deliciously tasty menu items which burst with flavour and offer the appearance of their traditional alternatives, with an appetising colour, form and satisfying bite.

With pre-prepared plant based mixes, preparation time is reduced, there’s no need to stock a range of ingredients, stock can easily be controlled and importantly, costs can easily be managed. They’re also a convenient choice. It ensures consistency – so time after time, the taste and quality remain the same. What’s more, any member of the kitchen team can make the menu items; there are no specific skills required.
For more information on Middleton Foods, please visit or call +44 (0)1902 608122.