McWhinney’s on a mission
This year, McWhinney’s Sausages has been on a mission to give away £125,000 worth of sausage and chips...

They have been running a “buy a fish and chips, get a sausage and chips for free” promotion with one shop each week.
The promotion has been arranged to celebrate McWhinney’s 125th anniversary. The company was founded in 1898, spanning six generations, and is still in the safe hands of the McWhinney family to this day.
Managing Director, Kevin McWhinney had this to say:
“I’m absolutely delighted with how the giveaway has been received. The interest from both shops and customers has been amazing. It fills me with pride to be able to give back to the people that have supported our family throughout the last 125 years. The fish and chip industry has a rich heritage, and I am proud that we have been able to play a part in that. I would like to personally thank all the participating shop, distributors and customers who are taking part and helping us to celebrate this milestone.”
The promotion has involved shops all over the UK, including former National Fish and Chip Shop of the Year Cod’s Scallops, Northern Irish Fish and Chip Shop of the Year Chipmongers and the solely gluten-free fish and chips shop Fiddler’s Elbow which was a finalist for the Field to Friar award.
Participating shops have seen a great response to the promotion, resulting in higher footfall, more customer engagement, and an increase in business. In some instances, shops have ran the promotion for more than one week as the uptake has been so positive.
Looking ahead, the slots for the giveaway are filling up quickly, with requests coming in from all over the country. The next couple of months will see shops such as Corries Cabin in the Isle of Wight, Mediterranean Fish Bar in Atherton and Petrou Brothers in Chatteris, all take part.
Scott McWhinney, Sales and Marketing Director said this:
“It has been amazing to see the uptake with the promotion. The number of shops that are wanting to help us celebrate our 125th birthday has been nothing short of incredible.
Having recently launched our new gluten free sausage, we have been able to give back to those who have previously been unable to enjoy our traditional Premium sausage.
I am looking forward to the rest of the year to see our anniversary celebrated by people all over the country. I feel it is our duty to support the industry, just as they have supported McWhinney’s for the last 125 years.”
If you are a McWhinney’s user and want to take part in the promotion, contact them via email